Data wydarzenia:

Wykład prof. Maxima D. Shrayera "The Marriage of Véra Slonim and Vladimir Nabokov as History and Literature"

Zdjęcie mężczyzny ubranego w granatową marynarkę i jasną koszulę, w okularach i jarmułce na głowie.

Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM serdecznie zaprasza na wykład gościnny The Marriage of Véra Slonim and Vladimir Nabokov as History and Literature, który wygłosi prof. Maxim D. Shrayer (Boston College, USA).

Wykład odbędzie się 17 października o 18:45 w sali Śniadeckich i prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim.

Wprowadzenie w treść wykładu:

Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) and his Jewish wife, Véra Nabokov (née Slonim, 1902-1991), met in early 1920s Berlin; their relationship encompassed two continents and five languages.

In this lecture, American author and scholar Maxim D. Shrayer brings to life rare and archival materials to explore the dynamics of mixed marriages and the boundaries of modern Jewish culture.

O wykładowcy:

Maxim D. Shrayer, bilingual author and scholar, is a Professor at Boston College, USA. Shrayer has authored over twenty books of nonfiction, criticism, fiction, poetry, and translations. Among his books are the literary memoirs Waiting for America and Leaving Russia and the collection A Russian Immigrant: Three Novellas. He is the recipient of a 2007 National Jewish Book Award and a 2012 Guggenheim Fellowship. Shrayer’s publications have been translated into ten languages. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and two daughters.